Diversifying Public Safety

Diversity in Public Safety is crucial in ensuring that immigrant and minority communities are represented with officers who understand cultural issues in order to provide effective services. DIVERSITY in policing became a hot topic and nationwide discussion especially after the horrific death of George Floyd under the hands of police. We witnessed how the nation and even people around the world came together to denounce police brutality. No reasonable law abiding citizen or human being should live with fear of police reprisal especially in the hands of the very people they entrust to protect them.

Data Source: U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey and U.S. Census Bureau’s Equal Employment Opportunity tabulation (2018-2019)

Promoting diversity in police recruitment is not an option, it is a moral and strategic imperative. A diverse police force reflects the true spirit of community-oriented policing, where law enforcement agencies work hand in hand with the communities they serve. As we seek to actively engage the Black and immigrant communities in police recruitment, we will not only be building a more inclusive and equitable law enforcement system, but also nurturing safer, more resilient, and harmonious communities. The path to trust, understanding, and unity begins with diversity, and together, we can create a more just and secure society for everyone.

Data Source: U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey and U.S. Census Bureau’s Equal Employment Opportunity tabulation (2018-2019). The chart shows the rate of arrests per 1,000 residents for different racial and ethnic groups in Seattle.

For decades, researchers have found white residents face less chance of being arrested in most cities than Black, Latino or Hispanic residents, who also are stopped and searched more frequently. The research found Black residents were more likely to be arrested in all 100 metro areas and at least twice as likely to be arrested in 95 metro areas. – Source: Our America

Ending Cultural Biases In Policing Minority and Immigrant Communities

We undertake a proactive and holistic approach to addressing social justice issues in policing minority and immigrant communities. By fostering open communication, empathy, and accountability, our programs strive to create a safer and more just society where law enforcement agencies work collaboratively with all segments of the population to ensure equality and fairness for all.

We believe that Police are an essential part of public safety in our communities and are integral in the building of thriving safe neighborhoods. We seek to work alongside cities, municipalities, law enforcement agencies across the United States to rebuild trust in our communities. Our approach reflects the people we serve. We are diverse, yet the same…